Sunday, April 5, 2009

Differences Between N73, N73ME and 5320XM Box =)

as I said in last post, this is the post that I'm talking about...this is going to be a loong post...

Alright Let's start from the Nokia N73 Music Edition Box
Front Box
Side View
Back View
Inside the box, it welcomes you with this nice girl which is using her N73 Music Edition Headphones =)
Well the books didnt show any music edition N73, its taken from the original box =)
And here's the N73 Standard Box
Front Pic
Side Profile
Back Pic
Instead of getting a Beautiful girl inside, I got this handsome man holding his N73 talking to someone xD
Wondering why this is from Music Edition Box? well both of them are same de except background picture is not same...words are same
More books than Music Edition, notice the paper from flickr =)
Software Suite, the Music edition is same as the one shown

And Here comes the 5320XpressMusic

Front Pic, free 30 songs from Romana (specified according to country)

After opened....

where the phone hides at 1st glance

Where you get accesories such as headphones, chargers, blah

Where the CD is located

Get into the groove!
Tons of books
I'm tired of posting alot of pics lol, so now...Case Closed! End Of Story
Enjoy the pics, Steve


Edward Ngu said...

Adoi.... Super lol.... So many pics!!!!