Friday, March 13, 2009

Review: Race Driver GRID

this game reminds me of back days when i saw the 1st trailer and i'm waiting it....even b4 PMR i was thinking about this game.....Race Driver GRID.....this game is not just ordinary racing combines both Simulation and Arcade...Stuck between arcade and realistic....


Graphics: 8/10

Reasons why it doenst get a 9 is...too yellow-ish....and the motion blur is too much sometimes...bloom is unrealistic....but overall its looks good

Physics: 4/10

No...noo.....this made the game terrible...they tried to make it between simulation and arcade...but i gotta say..wayy too much arcade? when you try to drive the drift cars (and others) when you tap your keyboard..the car steers like a go kart with training wheels.....and when you brake...shift to 1st gear and try to accelerate......the tyre spins..when you just release the key and press doesnt...or you can try to shift up to 2nd gear....although the car is really high doenst spin anymore.....

Sound: 9/10

Very...very....good...sound....the sounds of wind, crowd, car engines, crashing sounds...very detailed and good...feels life-like..

Presentation: 7/10

The Menu is some sort of polished version of Colin Mcrae: mouse support on menu....this is not cool at all...and i hate those large words....can it be smaller?

Introduction: 10/10

The intro video is comes close as good as Forza 2's trailer...very nice indeed...i didnt get tired watching it =)

Screenshots coming soon =D


Edward Ngu said...

Lol, u still play Race Driver GRID??? I thought u play finish liao...